What our customers think of Angioprim

Rediscovering my wonderful life without discomfort
Angina, Angioprim, EDTA, Diabetes, Clogged arteries Chelation Therapy, Chelation, Oral Chelation, Oral Liquid Chelation, Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, stent, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Cardiovacular Disease, Heart Disease, Alternative Medicine, Anti-Aging, Human Growth Hormone, DH
Angioprim helped us with the following:
Rediscovering my wonderful life without pain and discomfort

July 2010

In July 2010, minor chest pain and discomfort and upper left arm pain and discomfort for a period of time caused me to revisit my doctor who gave me some nitroglycerin for fear I was having a heart attack and sent me to the hospital where I spent the night and took more nitroglycerin to alleviate the discomfort. I failed the stress test and received a heart echocardiogram. They set me up for my first heart catheterization or angiogram back in August 2010. At that time, I had a 60% blockage and was told I would probably need a stent during the next year or so. I took my little bottle of nitroglycerin wherever I went to in hopes of avoiding the big one.

My health continued to decline to the point of fearing a heart attack and having to see the doctor and the cardiologist again in June 2011. He put me on 1-30mg Imdur or Isorbide Mononitrate pill a day to help with the discomfort. Side effects were not good. I actually missed work from being overstressed and how bad I felt at times.

I had my second heart catheterization or heart angiogram on July 6, 2011. The results now being I have a 40% blockage and a 60% blockage. I did not qualify for a stent because of the location of the blockages and was placed on 2-30mg pills of Isorbide Mononitrate (Imdur) in addition to the Lisinopril, Hydrochlorothiazide, Pravastin Sodium, and Metoprolol pills I was already taking. The nitrate pills gave me long lasting headaches that aspirin did not help. I had been having chest and left arm pain and discomfort for over a year with the nitrate now helping. I was short of breath after just a small amount of exertion. I could not walk up the stairs without grabbing hold of the railing to help pull myself upstairs and then being short winded. I had to sit down everywhere I went. I could not stand for any period of time. I was getting in bad shape and felt terrible most of the time. The stress of it all was really life threatening.

The doctor set me up for another stress test and echocardiogram for July 21, 2011 to see how bad I was getting and to see what they were going to be able to do for me.

Because I did not qualify for any stents, I feared future bypass surgery. My past year of living had been a bad year health wise. I did a search on the web at www.Ask.com for what I could do if I did not qualify to have a stent to clear up my problem and found www.Angioprim.com. The information sounded too good to be true. Why hadn't I heard of this before? I ordered the 60 day cleanse therapy and one bottle of the Cherry Boost July 9th with great hopes and a slight fear of what some said could be or was a scam.

I received my Angioprim on Monday, July 11. I called about the instructions and found they had been emailed to me with my shipping confirmation that when I checked back was right there. Bill Smith called me back saying he had emailed another copy of instructions to make sure I had them. Any rumors they do not call back are totally unfounded. I found a 26 ounce pasta sauce glass jar to mix the Angioprim and orange juice I selected to use to sip on for 90 to 120 minutes first thing of the morning. I bought the suggested vitamins of C, D3, and E and started taking as recommended. You have to experiment a little to see what works best for you, but by Friday July 15th, I was feeling better.

I got up Monday July 18th, started sipping my Angioprim and orange juice mixture as usual first thing of a morning, took my shower, noticed no shortness of breath, feeling pretty good, took the suggested vitamins and my other meds except for the Imdur or Isorbide Mononitrate medicine because I no longer had any chest or left arm pain or discomfort. I went to work at the Courthouse, ran up the steps not touching the railing feeling really good. So good in fact, I had to show off to the other employees and county office holders and tell them about Angioprim. My stress was all gone.

They were amazed at my running down and then running back up the stairs without using the railing and not being short of breath. I had been looking worse than normal with a grayish skin color and people saying I looked like an 80 year old man in bad health as well as feeling terrible and now I look a lot better. I showed off going up and down the stairs 15 times that day of what the previous Monday I had difficulty climbing once a day. After work, I fixed supper, drove to Springfield, Illinois to do some shopping, then when I got back home, I put on some old clothes and got in the crawl space under the house to check some things I had wanted to check for months. I then hand washed one of the cars, got the grass trimmer out and trimmed around the house and property until dark. I felt great and would have gone walking if It were not so late and if I could have found someone to walk with me. It was a totally amazing day for me. I had my life back and again no stress.

For months before Angioprim, I would go home and for the most part spend all my time on the couch feeling tired with mild pain and discomfort. Why couldn't I have found Angioprim sooner? I got up Tuesday morning, started taking my Angioprim-orange juice mixture, went out and hand washed another car while sipping the mixture before getting ready for work and running up the stairs again before starting to write this story. I just want to tell everyone who wants to listen this amazing story.

I failed a stress test August 2010 when I felt better and could do more than what I was doing the first of July 2011. The heart doctor set me up for another stress test and echocardiogram on July 21, 2011. Until Angioprim, I felt and knew that I would fail this upcoming stress test big time, worse than I failed the one in 2010. I will keep updating this story as new things happen. I will let you know the outcome of the upcoming stress test. I don't know what they will say if I pass the stress test this time and I tell them about Angioprim. I can't wait to tell my regular doctor and show off to him. I wish someone had recommended Angioprim to me a long time ago. My last 2 years would have been enjoying living instead of enduring pain and discomfort. I am 61 years old, call me at 217-823-0531 and I will answer questions about my experiences with Angioprim. What an amazing product! Thank you Bill Smith, Thomas Snee Sr., Loren, Jack and the other wonderful people at Angioprim.

I started taking a Cherry Boost capsule 20 minutes after finishing the Angioprim-orange juice mixture during the first 2 hours after waking up as instructed and again at lunch and again at supper with the recommended vitamins. I believe the Cherry Boost is really helping the Angioprim to cleanse my cardiovascular system. My amazing improvement during the first week of taking Angioprim has lead people to say I should be a poster child for Angioprim. I have gone from feeling and acting like an unhealthy 80 year old man to looking a lot better and feeling like I am 40 again or at least 50 again. This is my 12th day of taking Angioprim and Cherry Boost. Every day it seems I notice new improvements to my health. Today I noticed I can see better, my hearing has improved as well as my sexual wellbeing.

Improved blood flow from reduced blockages is the only explanation for my health improvements. My speedy recovery continues to amaze me and others around me that know of my health problems and conditions. I really believe the Cherry Boost is helping the Angioprim help me recover more and faster than just taking the Angioprim-orange juice regimen by itself and highly recommend also taking the Cherry Boost. The Cherry Boost must be helping with my digestion because I have had no acid reflux the past 12 days and have not had to use any acid reducing medicine.

Every day I seem to get better and better. I went walking and jogging in the park with my RN (registered nurse) niece July 20. She was amazed considering my health condition and she had difficulty keeping up with me. She is a little over half my age. I never realized how great life could be until I got my health back due to taking Angioprim and Cherry Boost.

July 2011

I had my second stress test on July 21, 2011 with amazing results. I failed the test a year ago and passed this one remarkably well, the technician was amazed considering I had a 40% and a 60% blockage on July 6.

They injected the dye in my arm for the echocardiogram, took the pictures of my heart, walked me fast on the treadmill to get my heart rate up over 135 and then to 139, and then injected more dye to take more pictures after finishing the stress test. They were so amazed and said everything went great on the treadmill. No real heavy breathing or discomfort. I could have gone longer and walked faster. Then they took more pictures of my heart. I had to wait for the cardiologist to review the data and then to see him. In short, he said I did amazing on the stress test for someone who had a 40% and a 60% blockage and the echocardiogram now shows my heart looks normal.

Doctor's Opinion

I had shown him the literature I had on Angioprim and he said he had heard of chelation therapy. He said he could not endorse or recommend the product because it was not FDA approved, but he had a patient over 6 years ago with really bad heart problems who went to Mexico for 6 months for the iv chelation treatment, then came back as a totally new man with no more heart problems. He has not seen him in the last 6 years. I heard the iv chelation treatment costs $100 to $200 per treatment and it takes 20 treatments over a 6 month period to work properly.

My cardiologist said there was no scientific study he knew of supporting Angioprim or EDTA chelation treatments for the heart. There is no big money in it for the drug companies so the FDA is not going to approve it. He said whatever I was doing to keep it up. He said he could not tell me to stop taking Angioprim or he could not recommend I stop taking it because of how much improved or healthier I was in just 10 days of taking Angioprim. He was really amazed and really impressed and really pleased with my improvements.

He and my regular doctor both said it was ok to take Angioprim and that it would not interfere with any of the medications I was taking. He said my friend who had a stent put in back in March 2011 could also take Angioprim with no problems. He said it would not interfere with the Plavix or other medications he was taking. Clearing out calcium and plaque buildups could alleviate the need for any future stents and prevent a possible future heart attack. My next appointment with him is in January 2012 where we will discuss another heart catheterization to see if my 40% and 60% blockages are improved, reduced or even gone. Whether they will do it or not is another question because I am having no problems and because of how great I feel. I would really like to know.

I am telling everyone my story about this amazing product and hoping if they have heart problems similar to what I had or if they know of anyone who also has similar heart problems that they will give Angioprim a try to see if it will help them. For the past year I have been saying I need a stent. I am now saying I am so glad I found Angioprim and did not get a stent. I actually got my life back instead. I am beyond so glad I found Angioprim so I do not have to go through heart bypass surgery because I could not have a stent. I am glad I no longer have to take some of those drugs that made me feel terrible from their side effects and think of the money I am saving.

I was telling the county coroner my story who said I would not believe the autopsies done on people who never knew they had a 60%, or a 70%, or an 80% or even a 90% blockage and died from a heart attack. I am glad I am not one of them.

Thank you again Angioprim. It is appalling why doctors cant tell us about this stuff or that dont know about Angioprim or the FDA wont check my story and data and that of other people that have benefitted from this therapy.

We had a storm on Sunday July 24th that would normally give me a bad sinus headache causing me to take 4 or 5 aspirin and spend most of the day in bed with a pillow over my head for the pain and discomfort. I felt great all day with no need to put Vicks in my nose or take any pain pills or to spray any Flonase up my nose which had helped in the past. It must be the increased circulation eliminating that health problem I did not have when I was young. I would miss work because of headaches from low pressure fronts moving through. My hands and feet are no longer cold from poor circulation.

This is to update my story as of 11-23-11.

I was so stressed out before July 12, 2011 with my job and my heart problems I considered going coffin shopping for fear of dying from a heart attack. I have had no problems with stress at all 6 days after I started taking Angioprim.

I had my annual prostate exam August 31, 2011 which I have had done now for the last 5 years since my PSA level went well over 2. I started telling the urologist about Angioprim and I was amazed when he started applauding I had discovered chelation therapy. He gave me a 2 thumbs up when I told him I had been getting up 2 or 3 or even 4 times a night to go pee and now I can sleep all night without having to get up to go pee.

He said the Angioprim EDTA chelation therapy was dissolving the calcium buildup in the prostate that eventually leads to prostate cancer and causes the prostate to harden up around the urethra that makes it difficult to urinate all at one time. He said he could not recommend Angioprim or tell others because it was not FDA approved which again is a total shame because of the men having prostate problems and dying from prostate cancer.He checked and said my prostate was fine and keep up what I was doing. I am one of the lucky ones that found and took Angioprim. His staff called back 3 days later saying my urine test was fine and my PSA level was excellent at 1.09. It had never been below a 2.0 during the last 5 years. I will get it checked again in a year.

I had my once every 3 month visit to my regular doctor September 17, 2011.

In my excitement to tell him all the wonderful health improvement things that has happened to me since I started taking Angioprim, I failed or forgot to tell him I was now only taking my Lisinopril (high blood pressure), Hydrochlorothiazide (water pill), Pravastatin Sodium (cholesterol), and Metoprolol (angina) about half to two thirds the time I was supposed to take all this stuff.

My blood pressure was excellent at 115/70. It had never been that low that I can remember in the past 30 years. He too was amazed at how well I was doing and how well I did on the stress test. He called back in a week with the results of my blood test stating everything looked great and my cholesterol level which had been running 230 to 250 was down to 160. My weight was down 11 pounds from my previous visit in June and I am not dieting, just changing my way of living after waking up to all I was doing wrong. He told me whatever I was doing to keep it up. I try to follow his advice. He said I must be doing something right to be so improved health wise from 3 months ago and over the past few years. He also cannot tell people my story or tell people about Angioprim because it is not FDA approved. He said again it will not interfere with any of my prescription drugs.

I will see him again in January 2012 and see what medications he will let me quit taking after I tell him how good I feel and that I have not been taking some of them like the Metoprolol for angina, which I no longer have, and after he runs some tests. I definitely feel better by not taking some of the drugs because of their side effects.

I chose to do the 60 day cleanse because of my blockages and how bad I felt. I am glad I no longer have one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel. I am now doing the Angioprim maintenance cleanse of 2 days every other month to keep my veins and arteries and capillaries clean. The side effects of mild nausea if I sipped it too fast and mild diaherra the first couple of weeks was nothing compared to the benefits I received. The cost of the Angioprim was nothing compared to my alternatives.

Some of the other health benefits I have noticed from taking Angioprim were my finger nails were no longer brittle and do not chip or crack like before. My skin is no longer dry and feels much better and not flakey. I no longer have dandruff and what hair I have left is not as fine and brittle as it was and is not falling out as before. My viscous veins have cleared up. I have had no reoccurrences of gout. No more sinus or headache problems anymore. I dont take near the number of aspirin I was taking before. I can now go walking and jogging for a few miles and feel great. I dont have to wear my glasses as much as I did before. I was so forgetful before and now my short term memory is back. These are all small benefits in comparison to no more stress problems and the major heart benefits I received. Life is so wonderful now. It just makes good sense if we can clean out the years of calcium and plaque buildup in our veins and arteries and capillaries where the blood flow can get the food nutrients and oxygen to our cells, we have to be much better off.

I am saving a lot of money every month by not having to buy some of my prescription drugs as often and some not at all anymore. I hope with diet, exercise, and the Angioprim every other month 2 day maintenance program I will be able to get off most of these drugs. Angioprim has more than paid me back in health benefits. The money I spent on Angioprim was worth a million dollars to me compared to how bad I felt back in June to how I feel now. Now I am trying to exercise some, do some walking, and eat better so I dont lose what Angioprim gave me back. My first strike came back in 1996 from smoking too much and for too long. I just had my second strike from not eating right, not exercising, or not trying to take care of myself and taking in too much of the wrong foods and nutrients into my system. I am going to put off the third strike, for as long as I can, now that I have found Angioprim and changing my life for the better. I thought it would never happen to me.

About Me.

I am an elected county Supervisor of Assessments or as some people call us a property tax assessor and also a farmer. How much more stress can a person have than from being a farmer and from dealing with the public. I love my work of trying to help people understand the difficult subject of property taxation. I have been in this line of work since June 1973 and I could have retired 6 years ago but I enjoy my work and I enjoy helping people.

I could not believe I was that stupid that long to smoke 3 to 5 packs of cigarettes a day for over 25 years which I quit back in September 1996. I have not been eating right or exercising any until I discovered Angioprim. There is no better time than today to start and continue improving my life. You may want to start improving your health and your life today also. I have never bought a product like this that I could recommend more. Angioprim may have saved my life and extended my golden years and may save and extend yours. I look forward to retiring in December 2012 and going on a crusade to help people discover Angioprim and get their lives back until the FDA or AMA stops me from telling my story.

My insurance company, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, called about assigning a case worker to me for not taking my medications like I should. After telling them my story, they knew I did not need a case worker. They too said they could not tell anyone else my story or tell anyone about Angioprim because it was not FDA approved. What a shame! People are dying from not knowing about Angioprim and no one can tell them. I am going to do my best to let people know about Angioprim and hopefully save some lives.

I had one of those Life Line Screenings December 7, 2011 to check artery stuff that may not have been checked before by my doctor or cardiologist. It will be interesting to know the results of their tests. They said I had excellent blood flow in my neck arteries.

Update: I got the test results December 22, 2011 with the results being all normal for carotid artery disease, atrial fibrillation, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and peripheral arterial disease. I have a low risk of Osteoporosis. I am overweight with a body mass index of 27.3 and working on losing some more unwanted pounds to get my BMI down below 25. I now weigh over 40 pounds less than I did 40 years ago when I had a BMI of 34 and was obese. I have been fighting the battle of the bulge most of my life and am 15 pounds lighter than I was back in the 10th grade. I hope to get down to what I weighed back in the 7th grade.

I guess chelation therapy has been around for over 60 years now developed for people painting ships to get the heavy metal (lead poisoning) out of their systems. I heard it was also used on the Manhattan Project to cleanse the radiation out of their systems and also help kids or people who ate lead paint. Please read Thomas Snee Sr.’s story at the www.angioprim.com website at how he discovered Angioprim. Also read some of the other peoples stories from various states under Ask Our Customers on their website and please call 1-954-882-7221 for people to start getting their life back especially if they are having any chest and left arm pain or discomfort.

I guess there are over 30 different types of chelation therapy out there to try or buy. I can only attest to the great success I have had with Angioprim. I had one gentleman call me about Angioprim that had been using another chelation product for over 3 months with no success. He purchased some Angioprim, did a 20 day cleanse therapy treatment with good results and plans on doing another 20 day treatment next year. I hope to hear his story then. I would suggest buying Angioprim first since I know it works before trying some other chelation products unless people actually talk to someone who has had success with it. Just because it says it is chelation therapy does not mean it will work as well as Angioprim or even work at all.

I have been so impressed with this product that I purchased the Family Pack to give to friends and relatives to help them with their health problems. My 82 year old mother gets around better and feels a lot better and is doing more than she did before taking Angioprim. A 76 year old friend no longer has problems walking since the Angioprim possibly got rid of his bone spur on his heal that was giving him difficulty. Another friend was experiencing chest discomfort even though he had a stent put in a couple of years ago and was back feeling great after only a few days of taking Angioprim.

I hear getting a stent put in or having angioplasty done or having bypass surgery does not clear up the calcium and plaque buildup that continues to happen causing the need for future stents, angioplasty and bypass surgery. My RN niece was surprised at how the Harmony product helped her. She does not understand how all this works. She wonders why it is not taught in medical schools or even why she had never heard of it until I told her. My best friend has had several Basil Cell skin cancers removed and a couple of skin grafts done on 2 of them from how bad they got. Taking the Angioprim, Cherry Boost, and the Salvestrin 1 products has helped clear up his basil cell cancers including one they were planning on doing a skin graph on. He will see his doctor in January and his dermatologist in February to see what they think. Most people will never know about this stuff unless someone tells them or they find it on the internet. I continue to research this and other stuff so I can be better able to help people when they call me or talk to me. Angioprim and their other products are so amazing.

I am so excited about this product. I, like so many other people got a representative ID number so I can get a discount on my future orders. If other people have even a fraction of the health benefit success I have had, they will also want to get a rep id number for their future orders. I really don’t care if people use my rep id number when they order their Angioprim, but if they want to use it, it is 37342. Just get Angioprim and try it.

I thought I would share a little health story some of you might be interested in or that might help you or someone you know. Back around 2010, I started having heart problems and difficulty breathing. I found a product on the internet I thought was probably a scam, but I decided to try it with great amazement. If you go to their website www.angioprim.com and go to the ask our customers area, you will find my name and story now listed under the state of Florida. Recently, may PSA was over 5.00 and my urologist was suggesting I take some more tests. I told of my experiences with Angioprim and what an Asian urologist in St. Louis had told me and how pleased he was I had found Angioprim. I asked the urologist here in Fort Lauderdale to give me a couple of weeks before taking another blood test to check my PSA level after taking some Angioprim. I took some Angioprim 3 times over a period of one week before taking another blood test. My urologist was quit amazed my PSA had dropped blow 1.5 and said the FDA or someone should do some research on this stuff. He said he would see me in a year. No one can get a patent on this chelation therapy which is why no drug company will research it and why FDA will not approve it. So I write this as an FYI for those of you having trouble urinating, or having shortness of breath, numbness and tingling in your left arm and/or pain in your chest to seriously consider trying Angioprim and probably going to see your doctor and get checked out for blockages. Angioprim has improved my life over the last 14 years and is helping keep me alive. Yours for better health, Ron Finley.

Dr. Oz says we can live to be 100 if we take care of ourselves. I record and watch his shows for his advice on living better. I will stop writing now and hope that people who need this kind of help will call 1-954-882-7221 and start getting their life back and write their own story. To your good health and a long, happy life.

Please call me at 1-217-823-0531 if I can help you or other people get your life or their life back or answer any questions.

Ron Finley
Ronald D Finley

Fort Lauderdale, Fl  United States
Referral #  37342