What our customers think of Angioprim

Angina, Angioprim, EDTA, Diabetes, Clogged arteries Chelation Therapy, Chelation, Oral Chelation, Oral Liquid Chelation, Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, stent, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Cardiovacular Disease, Heart Disease, Alternative Medicine, Anti-Aging, Human Growth Hormone, DH
Angioprim helped us with the following:
Congestive Heart Failure
High Blood Pressure

I FOUND "ANGIOPRIM" IN MY DAILY NEWS PAGE "HEART HELTH" "www.hearthelth@yournewsletters.net", and having my dear old friend and Compadre "Sergio" in the row to heart surgery at the national and forced "Mexican Social Security Hospital" for several months, and not being attended properly, they where realy kiling him of stress and anxiety, I told him of my findings at the Web page I mentioned before. I make to him clearly, that it was "no medine" but aa quimical product that might help him with his suffering, as he understood. Once he recapitulates on all of his sufering for a little more than a year, since he had a stroke, he took a "Calcium Coronary Scan Study" and a blood test called "Smac 36 Plus", that I recomend to him, just to see and monitor the results of taking "Angioprim", that I ordered for him, on his request. Finallly the day arrived and he started taking the dossage sugested of one ammpule per day, but after 3 days, he was having problems with it, as stomach ake and vomiting sansations, so I told him, after reading some of the brefings on Angioprim page, to reduced by halve the dossage, and he did it that way to the end, it took him 2 months, instead of one, after that, he had himselve one more analiss as previous, and found out that his acumulation of "Calcium" in the main Coronary Arthery (plaque), was reduced by over 30%, A REAL MIRACLE was for him and his family, of course for me to, since my intrvention, wish I confess, was of real nervousness, became a real releaf, and new hoppe for my friend. Soon after, he indicated me, to orther one more 24 bottle treatemment, and he allready took it, and the same, inprovemment was made, I am ordering two more complete 24 bottle orders, that he is going to have on a maintenance shedule, starting with 2 ammpules a week, then reducing it to just one a week and the last, my be once a month. He is being supervised by his Doctors, that do not belive what they are seeing and learning, some allready had some notion about intravenous Quelation, but are coutious and exeptic about it, Iīm sorry for them and their patients, but I do understand them, it is not easy to change in a second, what took them, ganerations and centuries of medical research and shool and long nights of study. To day, I am talking every where about this find, it really is very expesive by Mexican standars, but if government support, it will cost much much much less to implement prevention programs, than spending billions on Hospitals and cure, that isnīt so. Since I read more on the advantages to treat more dessesess with "Angioprim" that have to do with veins and artery clogging and other malisious minerals in our sistem, I and my wife are starting to take it and I am going to provide familly members and close friends that are in the nead for inmediat and urgent treatment, since they do not have the kind of money to help themselves (it is about 2 to 3 months salary worth if lucky),I know that I donīt eather but I will try any way, just one suffering individual or saving a relatives sufferinngs or life will worth the effort and sacrifice, donīt you all think so?. Sorry for the extension of my breafing, but I think that it is not easy to convince people to start any program by their own, and more dificult to make them spend some money on their own, even if it means his own helth and life, and I know it for selve hard experience, as a kidny and fatal pancreas seasury, that by a real miracle I survive thanks to the right medical diagnose on place and time, and a very long treatemment, thanks God. Sorry for my spelling, grammar and composition, I hoppe you will understand me, being a non english speaking person. Thank you very much for reading me, I want you to only understand and comprehend my words. Good luck and happy and helthy days to come. MARIO D. R. BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO

SAN YSIDRO, CA  United States
Referral #  22658