What our customers think of Angioprim

Angina, Angioprim, EDTA, Diabetes, Clogged arteries Chelation Therapy, Chelation, Oral Chelation, Oral Liquid Chelation, Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, stent, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Cardiovacular Disease, Heart Disease, Alternative Medicine, Anti-Aging, Human Growth Hormone, DH
Angioprim helped us with the following:
Angioplasty (Stents)
Arterial Plaque (Blocked Arteries)

On June 2 of 2005 an angiogram confirmed I had 5 coronary artery blockages. At that time I was experiencing burning in my chest after walking just 200 yards on a flat surface. I was scheduled for angioplasty a few weeks later on July 7th. But I had just discovered Angioprim and started a 12 bottle treatment 3 weeks earlier. I was already starting to feel better and, just as important, by then I had done extensive research on stents and by-pass surgery (the other option) and I didn't like what I was reading. Cleaning out the arteries was a much better option - if it worked!

My cardiologist flipped out when I told him - I mean he really became angry. I had to finally tell him it was MY life I was trying save, not his. In complete contrast, my family doctor, a man of 40 years experience, studied the Angioprim product information and, while not being able to endorse the treatment, nonetheless agreed that it could work - at least theoretically. And, since I was otherwise in excellent health and not at high risk I wasn't being unreasonable in wanting to give it a try.

I'm glad I did. Now 18 months after discovering Angioprim I have done 4 courses of treatment. (I'm a hard case and was a heavy smoker for almost 40 years.) I am walking 4-5 miles a day through the local valley up and down hill. I am getting stronger and in better condition than I have been for years. My family is much happier and so is my dog Ginger. It's worth mentioning the stress test and nuclear imaging that was done last year (the tests that led to the angiogram)were repeated in May of 2006. Guess what? much reduced blockage, not perfect yet, but much, much better; and the actual tests prove it. AND my cardilogist was finally forced to modify (begrudgingly) his passionate opposition.

Doug Rowlands,
Tel: 416 922 4428
Douglas Beverley Rowlands

Toronto, Ontario  Canada
Referral #  18140